Visit or Volunteer
Visitor & Volunteer Information
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in Floyd County Schools. We recognize that community support is vital to the success of our schools, so we welcome and appreciate visitors and volunteers to our school!
A volunteer is one who performs a duty that a staff member could also perform (i.e. reading to your child's class, making copies, working in the media center, handling money, etc.). Volunteers must be over the age of 18 who wish to contribute their service to the school system. Floyd County Schools reserves the right to deny volunteer privileges if it deems appropriate and in the best interest of FCS. Note: School visitors are not considered volunteers.
Procedures have been put into place by our school district to ensure the safety of all students when a visitor or volunteer is on campus. Sometimes these processes can seem cumbersome, but we appreciate your patience in helping us maintain our number one focus; the safety of our children!
A visitor is one who acts only in the capacity of a parent (i.e. lunch visits, at parties, field day spectators, parent/teacher conferences, 504/IEP meetings, and school-wide and classroom programs or competitions; this list is not exhaustive). Visitors will be asked to present their GA state issued ID upon entering the school. This ID will be run through Raptor and, upon clearance, you will be given and must wear a nametag for the duration of your visit. Name Tags must be clearly visible at all times.
Guidance & Information for Volunteers
- Volunteer Approval Process
- Expectations of Volunteers
- Criminal Background Check Requirements
- Volunteer Resources & Forms
- Guidelines for Volunteer Levels
- Summary of Clearance Requirements
- Disqualification of Volunteer