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After School Care

General Information & Registration

The After School Care Program (ASCP) is an extension of the regular school day.  It provides extra social interaction with peers in a well-supervised, structured environment.  The main purpose of ASCP is to provide a safe, relaxed, and enjoyable place for elementary children who might otherwise be left at home unsupervised during the afternoon hours.  The program is designed to strengthen, support, and supplement the family, school, and community.

ASC General Information

A brochure that provides general information about the After-School Care program.

ASC Registration Form

A registration form to get your child started in After School Care.


How Do I Pay Online for ASC?

image of school

How do I register for After School Care?

You can get a registration form from the school office or download the form from this site.

What are the hours for After School Care?

Hours for ASCP will begin at 3:30 p.m. each day school is in session for students and ends promptly at 6:00 p.m. Late charges will be imposed for late pick-up beginning at 6:00 p.m. The late charge will be $2.00 per minute per child and must be paid at the time the child is picked up that day. Frequent abuse of pick­up can result in the student being permanently removed from ASCP.

How much does After School Care cost?

ASCP payments are due in advance. The cost is $10.00 per day, per child. If two (2) or more children from the same family stay in ASCP at the same school, one child is charged full price, and all other children are charged $3.00 per day. A payment envelope will be provided for each child/family who stays regularly in ASCP. A receipt for the previous payment will be enclosed in the envelope. Drop-ins who stay occasionally are to pay no later than the day they are to stay for ASCP. Checks or money orders made payable to your child's school are the preferred payment. Cash will be accepted if necessary. If insufficient funds cause a check to be returned to the school, it must be picked up immediately and paid in cash; otherwise, the child must be withdrawn from the ASCP. If a child is absent and has paid for a day or more, the money will not be refunded but will be credited for the next time a child stays in ASCP.

What if school is dismissed early? (Example: Weather conditions)

Early dismissal due to weather conditions or unanticipated hazards will be handled by ASCP staff according to your instructions on the registration form. Children will be placed on a bus or be allowed to go home with the persons you listed. Please discuss with your child how they are to get home if an unanticipated event occurs. Time will not allow school personnel to call each parent if early dismissal occurs.

What if I'm late to pick up my child from After School Care?

Late charges will be imposed for late pick-up beginning at 6:0 l p.m. The late charge will be $2.00 per minute per child and must be paid at the time the child is picked up that day. Frequent abuse of pick­up can result in the student being permanently removed from ASCP.

How is discipline handled in After School Care?

ASCP is a privilege; therefore, discipline problems will not be tolerated. If a child is disruptive, disrespectful to authority, abusive or threatening to other students in any way, the ASCP director or other appropriate Floyd County School personnel have the authority to revoke the privilege of the child to attend ASCP. 

Does the After School Care program offer transportation?

Transportation is the sole responsibility of the parent. ASCP provides no transportation.