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Coosa High School Hosts 5th Annual 7 Hills Coaches Clinic with Record Attendance

Coosa High School proudly hosted the 5th Annual 7 Hills Coaches Clinic on Friday, an event that has grown exponentially since its inception. 

Led by CHS Athletic Director Joey Mathis, the clinic has expanded from its humble beginnings of 20 participants to an impressive 130 high school coaches from across the region and multiple states.

Floyd County Schools ​Discuss Potential ​Effects of Georgia HB 581 on Local Funding and Long-Term Financial Stability

The Floyd County Board of Education has announced its intention to opt out of Georgia House Bill 581, which aims to establish a statewide floating homestead exemption. This new legislation limits the annual increase in property tax assessments on homesteaded properties, raising concerns among local education leaders about its potential long-term effects on the school district’s finances.